Reunion 66 is a French short film directed by Nicolas Santini for Imagine Films. I was camera operator and VFX artist on the film. In the following VFX breakdown video I’m showing the main processes used in the film. It’s basically the same kind of effects...
I’m glad to share with you the project I’m working on for a few months now: a new episode of Christmas in Alsace that ends the saga started in 2011 (?). Je vous présente aujourd’hui le projet sur lequel je travaille depuis de nombreux mois: un nouvel...
Méliès process Before shooting this film I made many test about object tracking using a single camera as in the following videos: After understanding the basic workflow of object tracking I moved on the props building stage with the help of a friend, based on the CG...
After a video shot yesterday and a good sleep, I can finally write a little post about the surprise I had when I came back from my trip in Japan. But first, the video! (subtitles available) Après un tournage éclair hier soir et une bonne nuit, j’écris enfin un...
Here is the 3rd edition of “Noël en Alsace” I worked on during last summer. This year again we meet Alsacian legendary characters, St Nicolas, Hans Trapp and Christkindel. The movie got a shorter version for Theatres display in Paris from October 9th to...
A few days ago, Versus: The Way to shadow was released! The movie is near to hit the 100K views on Dailymotion, and we had the opportunity to get a little reportage on a French TV news show. I’ll come back soon with a making of covering different VFX aspect...