A few months ago I started to work with a young director, Pierre Etienne Larrous. He created “Sanfoneiro Creation” for which I already made some 3D works. In the following show-reel you might recognize some old work from my website and if you hadn’t already watch his short film “L’un est l’autre” and his music videos, you’ll discover some titanic compositing in the 2nd part of the video.
Here are some WIP environment images created for our last project:
Code name: looped bend animation. That last environment was the most challenging as every plant are softly moving with the wind. To avoid long render time I created a loop bend animation on a palm leaf, then duplicated it and offset the animation. I only had to render a 100 frames segment for long shots. The loop was then created in post. All the house have the same texture, only the UV directions are changing.